Who knows about a Christian saint, Saint Valentinus, who lived in the 3rd century AD in Rome.
The legend goes that during the reign of Emperor Claudius II, the Emperor issued a marriage ban for young soldiers believing that they would be better in battle if not bound by family. However, Saint Valentinus continued to perform secret marriages for couples who loved each other, which led to his arrest and imprisonment.
During his time in prison, Saint Valentinus is believed to have helped and comforted the prisoners, and was even believed to have healed the jailer's daughter. Before his execution on February 14, he is said to have left a letter to his jailer's daughter signing "From your Valentine". Hence, February 14 came to be regarded as a day to celebrate love and affection.
Although this story is very popular, the actual history of Valentine is rather uncertain and there are several versions about the life story of St. Valentinus and how Valentine's Day became a celebration of love as we know it today. However, today, Valentine's Day has become a global celebration where people celebrate love and affection by sending cards, flowers, chocolates, or performing acts of affection to their loved ones.
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